Items: Iron tools, Crossbow, Celestial Staff (Tier 3), Hammer, Spear, Lvl 3 Spell (rare), Saddle: Griffin, Lava Tiger, Panther, Kodo, Bear.Body can’t be harvest by your tamed, you can use tool (Iron axe, pick axe, hammer…) to get sulfur, magic shard, fire element core.Items: Iron tools, Crossbow, Hammer, Spear, Iron knife, Saddle: Wyvern, Lava Tiger, Panther, Longhorn, Spell Lvl 2 (rare).Items: Druidic set, Druidic staff (2nd Tier), Lvl 1 Spell (rare), Iron tools, Hammer, Gut Stag saddle, Dear reins.Body can be harvest with a carnivore tame to get Ice cube, Bone, Rotten meat.Items: Bow, Leather Armor, Druidic Staff (2nd Tier), Throwing knife, Recall spell, Boar saddle.The quality of the item (Craftable, Common, UnCommon, Rare, Legendary) and the durability are random but will be better than your crafted one. Note that you tamed creature sometime will automatically get the loot, but some time will and the Dark Wraith and Dark Fallen body can be eaten by your tamed, so if you want to get the loot, you might avoid hitting their body with your tamed. Here the list of the Dark enemies and the items you can get from lower tier to higher. The higher tier of enemy drop higher tier of items. They have a high chance to drop bone, ice cube, fur, stone arrow, stone hook arrow and lower chance to drop items specific to enemy type like saddle, weapon, armor, clothe. The dark enemies can drop valuable loots and most of the time we will go after the loots.

Another way is upgrading and buying from vendors but still looting is way easier (with RNG chance of course). I just saw that sometime looting is way better than grinding for the resource, level up your skills to make the items yourself, looted items usually have better quality too. I wrote this guide based on my experience from played in several server and some test in Single player mode, but not from any official source or digging around the game files.