Patch the Sky then export the 360 Spherical Panorama with the patched sky. Maps Made Easy is a web application that lets users upload aerial photos, stitch the images and host created maps. Then use menu 3D>Spherical Panorama>New Panorama Layer from selected Layers. If your drone software or firmware stitches 360 Panoramas that have a whole in the Sky you may be better off opening them in Photoshop. There are some good stitching application marked now. However Programs like Microsoft ICE does not support fisheye images its not a great stitcher. There was even a Plug-in for Photoshop the author was getting flack so the professor put his into the public domain so anyone could use its source to develop their own tools. 360 Panorama have been created for years and fisheye lens were often used and panorama tool were programmed and were able to do wonders with these images and only 5 well taker image were need to stitch perfect 360 panoramas. However is is not a dedicated image stitcher.

Many features have need added to Photoshop over the years it is more that an image editor these days its a professional tool.
The drone manual says the images are 3x8 +1, but for some reason there are 26 images, not 25 as would be expected. Get to know everything about the Mavic Air with this 11-part tutorial series In this eleventh episode, let's see the different panorama modes available on t. I've played around with all the various different settings and options, but can't get it to work. Why is PS not able to stitch it together properly? Other software seems to manage. However, it's clunky doing it this way and I'd like to be able to do it all from end to end in PS if possible. This works perfectly if I stitch them together first in another program (I'm using MS ICE) then do the rest in PS. The idea is to stitch them together, then change the image ratio to 2:1 for a true equirectangular 360° spherical panorama, and the let it do a Content-Aware Fill for the missing portion of sky on the now blank bit of canvas. When I open the individual RAWs into PS and Photomerge into a spherical panorama, the results aren't correct the bottom (nadir) is pinched (see image). Easily print panorama photos with online built-in Print Service.Offer 5 professional photo stitch modes. Enables you to stitch photos and video frames as panoramas.Export as QuickTime movie, PT Viewer, and Flash files for sharing. It also saves individual high resolution RAW files. Create perfect panorama images with your photos and videos. The drone does it's own stitching, and these are okay but quite low resolution. Due to gimbal limitations, it does not photograph the sky it can only tilt to 30° above the horizon. I've been taking some 360° spherical panoramas with my DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone.