There are 4 values you can change:, ,, and *.Put it in the data/art directory of your Dwarf Fortress installation.png you must use a program like MS paint to save it properly. In case you need to convert it, do NOT just change the extension to. Verify that the tileset is a 24-bit BMP file V0.28.181.40d with magenta-colored background or 24-bit PNG file v0.31.06 with transparent background.The tileset is just an image, so there's no separate download link. Download the tileset via right-click-save-as on the tileset.
To install any of these tilesets, follow these steps: Here is the list of user-made standard tilesets. Installation and creation of custom tilesets Installation Some of those can be changed in the raws and init files, and creatures can have separate graphics, but in most cases they are hardcoded. You can have both square and non-square tiles, with 16x16 pixels being the most common size.Īs the tileset is limited to only 256 tiles, some objects share the same tile. The tiles are always arranged in a 16x16 grid, but its dimensions can be varied. 4.4 Characters used in text and interfaceĪ character set (or 'tileset') is an image in BMP or PNG format that contains the 256 different tiles (numbered 0-255), corresponding to the IBM Code (sometimes called Extended ASCII), which are used to display all graphics.4.1.3 Additional Tiles Used by Creatures.2.3 Generating a custom tileset from a font in Linux.2 Installation and creation of custom tilesets.